Tuesday, December 11, 2012

AG Treasure Totes

I just wanted to do a quick review on these little Treasure Totes that American Girl makes. They've been on sale for $1.50 since Cyber Monday (or maybe a little sooner?). I kind of regretted not getting them with my Cyber Monday order but didn't really know if the scale would be right for dolls or not, so passed. Well after I placed my order I asked on one of my doll forums about them, got some replies and a couple photos, enough to convince me to purchase them when I ordered Cecile but not enough for me to really know what I was getting! So here's photos for your own reference. I got Samantha's and Felicity's. I just love Felicity so I got hers, and I got Sam so Nicki could have the paper dolls.

Here is how they come packaged. You can open the tote with the packaging still on to see what's inside.

They have a slip on one side to hold the papers and a slip on the other side to hold the book.

Includes bits from the real books!

Samantha's paper dolls. Those pink squares in the lower corned of the clothing sheet are stickers for the craft project included.  (By the way, apologies for the bit of shadow that appear in a lot of these photos.)

The paper dolls will punch right out, so kids will not need help with them. The clothing pieces are actually stickers, which look like they're reusable.

The paper doll scenes include two sides. Samantha's has her bedroom...

... and her school room.

Felicity's paper dolls.

The outside of Felicity's home...

... and I believe this is inside Miss Manderly's home, where she takes lessons.

Each set includes a "Pencil Pal". You punch them out and slip them onto your pencil for decoration.

Conversations cards. Each set comes with one slip of them, which can be punched into three.

Example of conversational questions.

How to draw slip. Samantha's on the left, Felicity's on the right.

On the other side of the drawing lesson is a word puzzle of sorts. Sam's on the left, Felicity's on the right.

And of course a craft! You can't have a fun set without a craft. Both of these are just paper crafts with thick paper pieces that punch out. Samantha's is on the left, and is to make a little heart shaped basket. Felicity's, on the right, is to make a flower bracelet.

18" AG with paper dolls, for scale reference. They're the perfect size!

18" AG with book for scale reference. The type of paper used is more like a magazine material than a book. The books the minis comes with are much nicer. But then, these sets only retail for $4.95 each, so this makes sense.

18" AG with the Treasure Tote for size reference.

Overall, I really like these sets! Great stocking stuffers, and I can find multiple uses for the paper dolls. Next time I order, if they're still in stock I will definitely add the Josefina tote. Maybe Cecile, too, now that she's joined the family. I would love one for Kit but it appears they do not currently have one. Anyway, they're on sale for $1.50 right now and that is a fabulous price! They have Felicity, Samantha, Cecile, Marie-Grace, Josefina, Julie, Rebecca and Molly in stock right now.

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